Summer is here!
Els que volgueu anar a buscar un llibre interessant o un joc de taula en anglès us he enllaçat una llibreria anglesa virtual per si us ho voleu mirar amb calma, on posa kids corner hi ha coses molt chules!
Els que us heu apuntat per fer el dossier virtual, aneu a la finestra de diàleg del liveworksheets clicant a baix. Primer però, a la graella del classrooem heu de mirar quin és el vostre nom d'usuari i la contrasenya.
Però sobretot, el més important, no oblideu passar un bon estiu!
Wednesday 10th
Here you can watch the weather program on MareNostrum TV
Happy Easter, enjoy with art&crafts!
Third week!
Let's do some grammar
Review the time
review the daily routines
review the numbers
One of your daily routines now is to make some exercices. Click the picture below and enjoy with Yoga!!
And now, here is an interactive worksheet. Try to finish it!!
Don't forget do some exercise, sleep well, and eat healthy food!
Second week!
Do you remember Arkademic games?? Here you are them!
You can play some games and practice English, maths.. Enjoy responsible!
Activity make a drawing for me.
Make a drawing expressing how do you feel now. Write a sentence in English on the drawing. Take a photo of the drawing and send it to me. We will hang them on the blog.
At home we can learn English!
Let's dance !
Go to for more activities
Practice daily routines in English and the time!!
To Practice and work on the Christmas Project you have two links below.
Christmas Project. Click on the photo below.
Click the song to practice.
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